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Jamie's Auto Service
1710 Main Street
Val Caron, ON P3N 1R8
46.610637 -81.011529
5.00/5.00 average rating
8 reviews
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Always promises and delivers. Exceptional work and honest and fair. Great mechanics and I have true faith in Jamie?s Auto Service.
A dealer told us our vehicle would cost thousands to repair, and as it had high kms, we should just get another one. That didn't seem right to us, and a mechanic friend felt the same way. We called Jamie's, he thought our thoughts on the issue made sense, and suggested we could try a couple of things. We did not want to put much more into the vehicle, but decided we would take the chance, rather than think 'what if' later on. Well, a few hundred dollars, 4 months and 7,000 kms later, the vehicle is still running well. Thank you just doesn't say enough!
As always I am once again very satisfied with the service I had received.
always the best. 5 star.
great service
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Val Caron, ON P3N 1R8
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